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Monday, July 31, 2006

I Was Free!!

My doctor let me out! I got to leave the hospital for lunch on Sunday! It was so nice, and I felt like a real person. I was confined to a wheelchair, or the booth in the restaurant (I had a 1/2" of space left), but it was wonderful! Mom, Dad, and Brad took me to O'Charleys. It was tasty! I got tired really fast, so we headed back to the hospital. However, it was Brad... not me... who took the nap!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My Blog Reaches South Africa!

My blog has officially gone worldwide! I just received a comment on it from South Africa! It read:

At 1:18 AM, Anonymous said…

Hi there Stacey

Just a short note from the farm where your dad was, and believe me is waiting in great inticipation for A,B and C or April,May and June. I made sure I checked emails everyday to see is there was any news from your mom about you. Thankfully there was'nt. I think you are incredibly brave - 3 at once!!!! Well I sure hope that all is well and that when the three finally arrive we will be priviledge enough to get a photo or two from Grandpa and Granny. You have a wonderful father-in-law, and its was wonderful for him to be here with us in SA. Regards
Jacqui and Greg, Magersfontein, SA

Because of my now worldwide blogsite achievement, I have received a "Bloggie Award" for my awesome blogsite!

I am in awe at how people are praying for me & the girls not only nationally, but worldwide now! God is good!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

We're Still Here!

I have gotten many emails and calls to check on my well being. I haven't updated my blog in awhile because I have been rather uncomfortable and somewhat crabby. However, God has been good in giving me a good day today! So, to answer many of your wonderings... I am 31 & 1/2 weeks along. Once we reach 32 weeks (on Sat.) we have reached a huge milestone! After 32 weeks, my doctors won't necessarily be worried if I have to deliver. However, they won't do a C-section until the babies show distress, or I go into labor. The absolute cut-off would be 36 weeks, but I don't plan on going that far! Luckily I probably won't have to go on Magnesium Sulfate after 32 weeks!! Yay! Almost there! My mind is still doing well up here; however, my body is starting to give up. Keep praying for strength and patience!

Sorry about the belly shot. Brad says if my shirt is down, it doesn't do it justice! (Apologies to men who get grossed out by pregnant bellies - however, mine is beautiful!)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

My Mom is the Best!

The past couple days I have not been feeling well. I didn't even go on my computer! We were not sure if I had caught a bug, or the weight of the girls is taking its toll on my body. In any event, other than with a Morphine shot on Thurs. night, I just couldn't get comfortable or painless. Sadly, I had to cancel my plans with my friends on Friday night. They were going to come up and give me a nice party. Of course I was totally disappointed and cried. However, my Mom - the wonderful person she is - didn't want me to stay depressed and alone, so she risk getting exposed to a possible "bug" and came up here. We played Yahtzee to help get my mind off the pain. Even though I beat her 2-1, we had a lot of laughs and I thank her. Ah, the love of a mother. I pray I will be as good a mom, as my Mom is!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Growing Like Weeds!

I had an ultrasound today to measure the growth of the babies. They each gained over 1 lb. in the last 3 weeks. Baby A is 3lbs. 7oz. Baby B is 3lbs. 10oz. Baby C is 3lbs. 13oz. They are doing so great! So total, I am carrying 10lbs. 14oz. of baby!!!!!!

Monday, July 17, 2006

While the Wife's Away, Brad Will Play!

Some of you may be wondering what in the world Brad is doing. If you know my Dad, and the fun he likes to create at our cottage... you can probably put two & two together! This was the First Annual Cardboard Boat Regatta! Brad actually won the race after creating such a fine boat!

Sadly enough, the boat was not built to last long!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

We Made it to 30 Weeks!

We did it! We made it to 30 weeks! In honor of this great achievement, I am going to list other great things that are 30.

My sister, Michelle (she'll be mad about this)
The toes in my belly
The fingers in my belly
The amount of days I have spent in this room - oh wait, that's not great!
The maximum amount of days I would have to be here yet.
The number of people who signed up to bring us meals- Thanks!
The number of diapers we are going to go through in one day!
YAY 30!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Can't Sleep!

It is getting harder to sleep. My belly is constantly itching, back hurting, and when I wake up for my 4:00am vitals, I am up for an hour & a half. Then residents & nurses keep bothering me all morning (when I am finally getting back to sleep). Most people would say, "Nap during the day." However, I am not a napper... and if I do, then I can't fall asleep at night! It's a vicious circle. Others would say, "Get used to it! You aren't going to be sleeping much when the babies come!" To them I say, yes but then it's for a reason that I can hold in my arms. Now, I just feel like an uncomfortable hospital patient - watching the clock. Well, this wasn't a very cheery blog. I am very happy during the day, and all things are going well for the babies! The night isn't my friend though!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Little Lambs

A poem I was inspired to write yesterday after being given these cute little lambs.

Each and every day I pray,
Lord, watch Your little lambs today.
There's not much more that I can do,
Than fully put my trust in You.
I patiently wait for the day of praise,
When You give me Your lambs to raise.
Give me strength, wisdom, and grace,
And in my hugs, may they feel Your embrace.
Each and every day I pray,
Lord, watch Your little lambs today.

- Stacey

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Mmmmm 3000 Calories!

This is a picture of me last week (28 weeks along). I'm probably bigger now! The girls keep growing! I won't know how big they are until July 17 (my next ultrasound). I eat like crazy! Then, on top of that, I have protein shakes in the afternoons. I am doing everything I can to get the girls as big as possible! I hear some people are jealous of my 3000 calorie diet. What can I say? It'd be more enjoyable if my stomach wasn't up in my lungs!

Time continues to march on, although a bit more slowly now. However, I still feel fine up here. I keep working on painting or crafts to keep my hands busy.

This is a picture of my niece Ella kissing my babies goodbye.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Grandpa's in Africa

I am determined not to have the babies until my father-in-law comes back from Africa. He is there for over 2 weeks! Many people ask why he is Africa so often... I have two theories. He is either an Ambassador of a small nation, or he has begun dabbling in diamond dealing. I don't know... it's a toss up! I hope grandpa comes home safe! (Maybe with some diamonds for the girls).

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Fireworks & Gilligan's Island - Now that's American!

I had a wonderful 4th of July, even though I couldn't be with my family at the cottage. Brad's mom, sister, niece, and friend came to watch the G.R. fireworks with me in my room. I had an excellent view! They even brought "Great American Chilly Pops!" (Red, white, & blue popsicles)

My cousin also sent me a portable DVD player, and Gilligan's Island episodes on DVD. Life got a bit more interesting for awhile.

Monday, July 03, 2006

No, This is Not Our Baby!

Last night Brad and I toured the neonatal. It was a real eye opener! We visited a baby that was 2lbs. 3oz. (That's how big our smallest baby was last Wed.) She was so precious. This is not a picture of that exact baby, but one very similar. It's amazing to me that I have three babies this size packed inside me! Yet, they are so tiny and fragile in their incubators. I praise God for every day my babies stay inside and grow! It is truly an answer to prayer that we are all doing so well!
They also gave us some diapers that our babies could be using. They are "micro-preemie" diapers! This is a picture of Brad holding them in his hands! You can't buy these in stores!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

A New Van & A New Plan

Here it is! My new ride! The girls will be traveling in comfort as we cruise in our new "silver bullet." Thank you to Big Lar who found it for us! Brad might drive it to the hospital in a couple weeks so I can take a wheel chair ride to see it.

In other news, I am definitely here until the babies are born. I was tired of getting mixed messages of whether I was going home or not. So, I had a heart to heart with my doctor. Together we decided that I am just safter here at the hospital. I'm okay with it. Really! I just have this feeling that if I went home, the babies would come sooner. I just don't want that!
I also have less worries here. God sent me here for a reason, and I need to have patience.