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Monday, July 30, 2007

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sophie - Guest Blogger

So it's my turn to be the guest blogger. About time! My name is Sophie, often referred to as "Sopher the Loafer" for my slow bottle eating.

I enjoy being goofy and laughing at myself, my mom, or nothing really. Oh, and I like putting my feet up on everything!

I don't crawl normally... I scoot on my butt. This is a video of me climbing on the hearth in my own style as well.

This is a video of me and my stellar walker tactics!

Hopefully my mom will catch me scooting on camera. You would enjoy it!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Our Latest Antics

The girls are now quite active. This is a glimpse of our daily life, and how they are now interacting with each other.
Now that they are done with the exersaucer I have folded it down and put it in a corner (ready to give back to Auntie Bev). The girls think it is way better now than ever. Every morning they are playing in that thing. It looks hilarious when Olivia sits in it. She looks like she has no legs!

They also enjoy playing with my pots & pans like most children.

I have a home visit nurse & community health worker that come to check on the girls bi-monthly. They weigh them, and the girls love it now. Olivia is getting weighed and Sophie wants to. Oh, Evie 22lbs 10oz, Olivia 19lbs 14oz, and Sophie 19lbs 5oz - but she is the tallest at 28 & 3/4 inches.

Sophie and Olivia were giggling and holding hands during breakfast this morning.

Yesterday, some 7 year old triplets came to visit us. It was lots of fun!

Olivia's hair is just long enough to get a clip-bow in it. However, within a minute of playing... I found it in Evie's mouth. Oh well

When things get hairy (as they usually do) and the girls all want their bottles now, this is how I do it. It's just daily life!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Grandpa's Fireworks!

It was another fun-filled 4th of July, complete with an excellent fireworks show at the cottage. The girls did not get to stay up and watch however. They were sawing logs in the cottage with a loud noise machine. They never woke up from Grandpa's Titanium Salutes!

Here they are enjoying Grandpa's firework setup before they were set off.

Olivia especially liked the trash can that was to house the 5 inch morters... or something.

Sophie thought it was great!

Aren't they cute in their patriotic dresses? Thank you to Gwen for those!

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Silver Lake

This past weekend we ventured off to Silver Lake. Brad's parents have a cottage up there, really close to the dunes.
In order to fit all the stuff we needed to bring, we had to put the girls in the 3 middle seats in our van. They were graduated to their big-girl carseats. Notice the stellar carseat covers I ordered on ebay! Anyway we faced them forward a little early too... well just because I wanted to.

Olivia loved the sand. She played in it, threw it, and sometimes ate it! She really doesn't have a lot of fear.

Ella, their cousin, was such a great help. She loved playing with the girls in the water.

A wave came over Olivia's boat a couple times, but her Daddy saved her

Sophie loved Grandma's baked beans!

Evie loved the watermelon

Now here are some movies to enjoy: