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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas at Home

The Thursday before Christmas we decided to do our own family Christmas before the hustle and bustle of Christmas Eve and Day. After supper and the advent box, we sat down by our tree and let the girls open their presents. They were THRILLED!!!! They got Zhu Zhu Pets, Princess Barbies, and Barbie Laptops. It was a ton of fun to watch them get so excited.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Begins

The girls sang beautifully at their Christmas program at church. They were excited to wear their "wedding dresses" from Gwen's wedding again. They are not at all nervous to go up front and sing (they see mommy do it all the time) and I was so proud of them!

Their Christmas party at preschool. Sophie was happier than this photo shows :)

The girls visited Santa Claus for the very first time! We were at the mall shopping, just the 4 of us, and after a nice lunch together the line was pretty short. I decided to hop in line and let the girls meet Santa. I didn't have my camera of course, but luckily I was able to get 2 5x7's for free! I love a good deal. The girls asked Santa for a Slinky Dog. So I had to make Brad go get one the next day so I could put it under the tree Christmas morning. He was less than thrilled ;) He's hoping they learn that Santa isn't real very soon!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Pre-Christmas Holidays

Apparently I have not downloaded photos from my camera in awhile. Let's start back at Thanksgiving, shall we?
The girls and I made Indian Corn Cookies

Thanksgiving at Grandpa & Grandma P.'s house. Olivia - less than thrilled for the photo. Who knows what she was crying about. She is usually crying about something! ;)

The holiday of the first snow!!!!



Cousin Lilly's birthday party - Grandma's Christmas card photo. The Hopkins - 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Visiting the Greats

(old photo - Grandpa with Sophie)
Yesterday Brad and I went to visit his maternal Grandpa and get together with the family. After that we called up my Grandpa and paid him a visit with the girls. What a wonderful thing to see my girls love my Grandpa. I love him so much, and I hate that I don't get to see him more (my own fault really). The girls loved his sense of humor, and most of all they loved his name. Pres... "Like press a button Mommy?" said Sophie.

I wish I had my camera with me... I left it at the first Christmas party :( Seeing my girls give Grandpa Great hugs and kisses brought tears to my eyes. Grandpa is almost 90 years old, and has few years left... I wonder if my girls will ever remember him. I do know this. I have fantastic memories of my Grandpa, and I will always hold them dear.

My favorite moment was when he asked the girls if they liked the cottage (This would be his cottage that we get to enjoy all summer long - even when he can't). They said yes, and Evie told him about all the tubing and skiing she does at 4 years old! I told him it was so neat to see my girls love the cottage, like I did, and my dad did. I told him he started something very special with that cottage that was passed down to many generations... and my Grandpa got tears in his eyes. For Grandpa, it is not experiences anymore - but memories. I'm so glad we have so many good ones to share!

God bless Grandpa Great!