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Friday, January 21, 2011

Preschool Mom = Busy!

When you have three girls in preschool, it becomes very busy on "Special Days"! The snack needs to be made, Lansing needs to be cared for and washed, Lansing's journal needs to be written in, and photos need to be taken! So far we have had Lansing 3 times this year... I think there will probably be at least one more time! I can do this... I can do this!

Penguin/Puffin Snacks - They look hard, but it was easy! The girls loved helping to create them!

Sophie and Lansing went with me to the "Beauty Shop." This was like Sophie's mother-ship! She got her nails painted and her hair curled :)

Sophie was all smiles! We had a lot of fun together. It's not often the girls get alone time with me!

Monday, January 03, 2011

Ice Fishing with Daddy!

The Sunday after Christmas Brad promised to take Evie ice fishing. She was SO excited! As I was bundling her up to go, Sophie told me she wanted to go with Daddy too! Olivia? She wanted to stay home with Mommy. Off the two girls went, knowing they couldn't complain about the cold and ask to go home. Brad said they never once complained, and had a great time!

Making snow piles

Sliding down the hill on their buns

Making snow angels

Very busy girls, but no fish caught :( They were really sad about that, but said they wanted to go again!

Christmas Day!

The girls had a special surprise under the Christmas Tree Christmas morning... a present from Santa! It was the Slinky Dog they asked him for (when they visited him a the mall). Thanks Brad!!! I promise you will get credit for your shopping next year :)

After church we went to my family for Christmas celebration!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa H.!!!!!

Christmas with Brad's Family

Excitement in the air as the kids wait patiently to open their presents.

Sophie gives her Papa a huge hug!

For a girl who loves princess SO MUCH - I was surprised when she asked Auntie Bev for Buzz Lightyear for Christmas. But WOW was she excited when she opened it! It is a treasured item around our house!

Thank you Grandma & Grandpa!!!