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Friday, May 25, 2007

Guest Blogger - Evie

I have a few things to say.
I am a triplet, so that means I have two sisters always by my side. Sometimes I have fun playing with Olivia. We chase each other all over the house. I like to climb on top of her and giggle. My sister Sophie doesn't like me to touch her, but sometimes I can get her to laugh.

I have one tooth now, and another one that is ready to come through. It hurts me a lot!
I also hold my own bottle now. I thought I would give my mom a break once in awhile.

My favorite foods are fruits, Cheerios, and Teething Biscuits. Squash isn't bad either.

Here are some more pictures of me. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Enjoying Carl's Cottage

What do we do all day? We relax and drink coffee at Carl's cottage... He's not using it!

Evie didn't like the coffee

Fig planted a stick... Could it be a fig tree?

We put all the babies in here and let them have a "cage fight"

Sophie is not impressed with Carl's cottage

Olivia is having a great time!

Our first baths at Our Cottage (Evie & Olivia)

Sophie gets cleaned up too

All in all, an excellent day in the sun! Thank you to Carl for the use of his facilities.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

What a Mess!

Yes, we gave them those gross teething biscuits. Everyone warned us, but I thought "How bad can it be?" Oh, it's bad! Three very messy babies getting bathed at the kitchen sink - bad. It was on their clothes, in their hair, all over the high chairs, on the floor... You may ask, "Never again?" Sadly, no. They loved them so much, I will probably offer them again.

Evie loves her biscuit

Olivia has only begun

Sophie was sick, but still enjoyed it!

There was no way I was getting that thing away from Evie!

Brad says they taste like graham crackers.... yummy!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Getting Into Things... So It Begins!

Evie is crawling everywhere and exploring her world.

Olivia pulls herself up on anything and practices her standing. First to walk??

A little late, but this was the girls' birthday message to their Grandma Pylman

Oh, and just for fun... This is how my girls fall asleep quite often. Brad and I think they sit up and fight sleep as long as possible, and they end up sleeping like this. They have to wake up with numb legs!

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Our Latest Tricks

A lot has gone on this week, and I haven't had time to write about it, so now I am catching up! (Click on the pictures to enlarge them)

Evie & Sophie play: (Olivia talks in the camera)

Evie learned how to crawl this week! She is the first one, although Olivia has been close for a long time.

I try to take the girls outside as much as possible now that the weather is nice. It's tricky keeping them out of the sun!

Olivia has learned how to pull up on things! - Cousin Ella and Olivia

Olivia pulled herself to standing in the crib, I helped Evie, and Sophie would much rather sit.