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Friday, January 25, 2008

It's Been a Long Week

"We're tired of doctors, Mom!"

We are just beginning to get back to normal... well, not Olivia yet!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Not Good - Could Be Worse

(Above: Olivia's favorite bunny that she clung to all day today)

This morning I took Olivia to the doctor because she stopped taking fluids, and I wanted a chest x-ray for her too - to check for pneumonia. On the way to the doctor she barfed up her drink in the van. After getting home from the doctor's office and x-ray, I was taking off her coat and she started convulsing.

She had a seizure. It was the scariest thing I have ever experienced. I didn't know what to do. I am so glad my mom was there because I was not able to keep my cool. I tried to get the girls' pediatrician's office on the phone, but of course all the lines were busy. So, I decided to call 911. The paramedics came and checked her out. By that time the seizure was done and she was sleeping sound.

I finally got a hold of my doctor, and she suggested taking the ambulance to the ER so Olivia could get fluids - I had been suspecting dehydration. She also said Olivia's x-ray came back clear - no pneumonia.

Off to the ER we went again. This time I rode in an ambulance with Olivia. She slept the whole way there.

The diagnosis: She was dehydrated and needed a couple bags of fluid. The seizure was called a febrile seizure. This means it was due to a sudden spike in her temperature. She has a pretty bad bronchial virus, but nothing that can be medicated. I have to stay on top of her fevers to prevent further seizures, so Tylenol and Motrin round the clock.

On the way home from the hospital Olivia barfed up every thing again.

Both Olivia and Sophie continued to barf throughout the day today, but so far tonight they have kept down a little liquid. Sophie seems to be looking a little better, but she is still very tired and sleeps all the time. She also is very weak and can't really walk yet (her legs are not stable).

Please keep our whole family in your prayers. I am also not feeling well (they gave me this cold), I am getting very tired, and Brad is starting the cold now too.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Sickness Saga Continues

So, after I got back from church this morning, I walk in the house and there is a funny odor. I ask Brad and he says, "Yeah, after you left Sophie puked up the orange Gatorade all over the carpet."

I ask, "Where is she?"
"She is sleeping on the floor in the playroom."
This is not good. She hadn't kept any fluids down for 2 days now and keeps running a fever.
Off the the ER we go.

At the ER they take a chest x-ray, put in a catheter, attempt an IV in one arm, and get it successfully in the other arm. The whole time Sophie was so brave. She just cried and said, "All done!" over and over again.

The diagnosis: On top off the ear infection and Croup, Sophie has pneumonia and she was dehydrated.

I got home at around 6:00p and Olivia was not looking too good. She also doesn't have tears when she cries - and very dry diapers most the day. Looks like off to the doctor with her tomorrow morning.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quite a Morning!

So Sophie and Olivia were not doing well yesterday. It was my guess that Sophie had an ear infection, and they both had the croup cough. They were barking terrible at night and crying. So this morning I took their temps and Sophie had a fever. Evie ate a little food, but Olivia and Sophie only drank some milk this morning. Then I tried to give Sophie some Tylenol, and she barfed all over. So as I am cleaning this up and throwing the paper towel in the trash, Evie gets in the trash and pulls them out on the floor with a coffee filter full of coffee grounds. Sophie's crying and playing with the barf, and Olivia & Evie are walking through coffee grounds! I call Sarah and my Mom. Off to the Urgent Care I go with Sophie & Olivia. Sarah takes Evie to her house.

Yes, Sophie has an ear infection. Olivia doesn't, but has a low temp & the croup.

Where is Daddy? He's at work.

Happy Saturday! Now I am going to eat lunch - 2:15 not bad!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Oh Crap!

So Evie just figured how to open our doors...

This is not good folks!


The girls have now started calling each other "Sissy." Which is much easier for them than learning all the names!

Here are some other of their favorite words:

Baba (Grandma)
Pt-tees (Pretties)
Bussie (Blankie - Sophie)
Ah-bo or Ah-boo (Elmo)
Boo (Book)
Ssss (Sippy)
Num-Num (Food)
All Done!
ah-keys (Yucky - as in poop usually)
Nigh Nigh (Nigh-Night)
Uh-Oh (Uh-ohs - Evie)
dee (Deer)
b-you (Bunny - Olivia's)
Sah (Sock)
Fff Fff (Woof or Dog)
meow (cat)
Boom (when they fall)
No No
tkle tkle (Tickle tickle)
Wha sa? (What's that?)
Tay Too (Thank you)
Its Bts (Itsy Bitsy - as in spider)

Then there are the things they understand when we say them, but they can't say them yet.

Get your coats
Go downstairs
Where's your Sissy?
Brush your teeth
Take a bath
Find your seat
Go play
Go bye bye?
Where's your nose, ears, eyes, mouth, hair?
Go find blankie, or bunny
Find your shoe or sock
Bring it to mommy
Go get sissy's sippy
You give it to sissy!
Whose here?
Arms up

What a fun age!!!

Monday, January 07, 2008

Ringing in the New Year

First, Dad made us take down the Christmas lights

Then, we went to the Fennema's for New Year's Eve

Olivia liked the cat... or did she?

Sophie was ready to party in her HOT sunglasses

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Worst Hour of the Day

So most of you moms out there know that from 4:00-5:00p can be one of the most stressful hours of the day as you await the husband's return home from work. I often pop in the beloved Elmo DVD in a meager attempt to preoccupy the girls until 5:00 supper and Brad's arrival. However, today did not go according to plan.

I was simply trying to hang my new picture frame and then use the Magic Eraser on the scuff marks, when I heard Evie crying. I knew she was playing in the toy box (nothing unusual). I went to go find her and she was standing in that tell tale position (like she has a diaper full of poop) crying. She had a totally wet leg and was standing in poop. Then I looked in the toy box... Yup! Poop!

I quickly whisked her off to the bathtub to spray her down. (Thank goodness I bought the sprayer when we built the house!) I dressed her, got her clothes in the washer, changed Olivia's poopy diaper, and proceeded to sort through the toys in the toy box. You know, "safe" or "too close to the poop zone."

I put the poopy toys in a sink ready to get washed, and was scrubbing out the bottom of the toy box when I heard the girls banging on the slider door and neighboring window. This is not abnormal. Sometimes they just feel like doing that. Then it happened. Crash!!!!!

A stained glass plate I made came crashing down from the window Evie was pounding on! The girls were surrounded in broken glass! I screamed trying to get them to stand still because of course they were all barefoot. (They always take off their socks.) I tried to pick them up, brush off their feet, and set them away from the glass. Olivia ran away through the glass before I could get to her. Finally I got their feet brushed off and started picking up the pieces. However, they didn't know what was going on and they were scared... so they kept coming back over to me, crying. I was frantically trying to pick up the big pieces of glass so I could get the dustbuster out! It was chaos!

By the time it turned 5:00, I got things cleaned up, got them in their highchairs, and was warming up food for supper when Brad walked in the door. "How were the girlies today?" he asked as usual. "Don't even ask," was my weary reply.

Happy Anniversary to me.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Jenn's New Blog

I got to visit the new babies at the hospital!
Here are some pictures - No Addison because they were waiting for her to come to their room from NIM (Neonatal Intermediate). The nurses kept saying any minute.

This is Ava

This is Elaine

This is mom, Emma, Luke, and baby Ava.

Check out pictures of the triplets at Jenn's Blog:
Four Plus Three are We