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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Girls Weekend

Not only did we see the butterflies, but the ladies got to go to "Storytime Live"
Grandma was kind enough to get us tickets to this event, and the girls LOVED IT! Although they started getting tired at the end... isn't that always the way?

Thanks Grandma!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Butterflies

One of the benefits of being in the local Mother's of Twins Club is taking part in the children's activities. Last week Saturday we got to go to the gardens to see the butterflies! We took Grandma along and it was a lot of fun. The girls loved looking at the butterflies. Evie was very quiet and just studied it all. I think she liked it the most.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

St. Patricks Day, the Dentist, my B-Day!

The girls loved "green day" as they called it. We picked out green clothes. I hid gold chocolate coins around the house and they found them. I took them to the park for lunch, they had a dentist appointment, we hit the library, and we had supper with Daddy & Grandpa & Grandma P. What a day! Of course they didn't understand what St. Patrick's Day was, but they loved the green and playing with Mommy on her birthday!

Here are some photos of their second dentist appointment - complete with x-rays! They did great!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cabin Fever

Before the sun came out and the weather got a little warmer, the girls and I were getting cabin fever. So I decided we would do something fun, silly, or educational every day... to break up the monotony.

These are pictures of Polka-Dot Day. They still talk about this day. We simply wore polka-dot clothes, and ate polka-dot foods. The girls had fun finding polka-dot pieces in the closet to wear. They even picked out my clothes for the day. Hot pink polka-dot skirt and shirt.

One night when Brad was gone we made fruit-loop necklaces. The girls worked hard to string the cereal on the yarn. I had to help a lot, but it was good fine motor practice for them. Then we read library books as they ate their necklaces.

Back in January we went to Great Wolf Lodge. The girls all received a wristband to wear while at the hotel. Evie loved her wristband... I mean LOVED it! She never took it off. However, last week while giving her a bath I noticed she had a rash on her wrist under the wristband. Sadly it was time to cut it off. She cried with such hurt feelings... it broke my heart. But, by morning she was over it.

Just a silly picture of Sophie and Olivia. They are quite the hams sometimes!