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Sunday, February 24, 2008

Like Mommy, Like Daughter

Yes, my little Sophie has found the sheer pleasure of purses and sunglasses.
I'm so proud!

18 Month Photo - Round 2
Better don't you think?

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Sorry, It's Coming...

Yeah, I rarely go more that a week without a new post. It has been normally busy around here so I have no good excuse - well just that Brad was gone overnight this weekend. I did actually clean & do laundry today though. I will post tomorrow with some pictures.

Triplet Mom

Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Girls' iMac

The girls have this play-house that has an oven in it. The top of the oven comes off quite easily, so they are always pulling it off. They think that it is a laptop, and sit at the table typing on the tile back-splash stickers like keys. Just watch the video, you will see...

Do you think they see me on my laptop very often?

Wanna ride bikes?

This is what happens to Daddy's game room when he has three girls!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

18 Month Photo!

So, I didn't feel the need to go through the stress of an 18 month photo. I have heard that they often don't work out. I can barely get the girls to sit for a few seconds, let alone next to each other!!! However, this was an unexpected photo op! "Quick! Get the camera!" Done and Done!

Doing the Itsy-Bitsy Spider motions

...and they're spent!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

Okay, remember this picture from back in November when I decided to turn my ottoman into a pseudo toy box? Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time...

This morning I was doing the normal morning routine with the girls. Breakfast - check, Evie pooped & changed - check. Sophie pooped and changed - check. Kitchen cleaned up - check. I was waiting for Olivia to poop so I could change her and put her clothes on as well. I decided to make a couple phone calls and check my email. That's when it happened. What exactly? I'm not sure. The girls were playing in the living room, and I was in the office/playroom. They were playing in and out of the playroom - you know... all over because they are 1 & 1/2 years old!

Then I hear this moaning from Olivia. I thought, "Uh-oh. She's sick." I went into the living room to check her and I couldn't find her right away. I looked behind the couch to find her laying on the floor next to the toy box with Evie sitting on top of her. I quickly got Evie off her, and then noticed she was limp. She had passed out! I immediately thought she had another seizure like before. But then I noticed she had red marks around her neck! I was confused. I tried to wake her up, but she was just out! I quickly called my mom to get her over here. She told me to call the Dr. They told me to call 911. The 911 dispatcher sent over an ambulance.

By the time I was calling Sarah to come over here, Olivia had awakened enough to start crying. However, this crying continued and she wouldn't stop. She wasn't responsive to me and wouldn't look at me. Her arms were limp, and her legs were stiff. My Mom and Sarah came in the door and then the paramedics. The paramedics looked her over and said her body was acting like it was in pain.

Off in the ambulance to the ER... again. She cried almost the whole way there, and she was still acting funny. She wouldn't look at me or focus on me. She wouldn't even hold onto her beloved bunny! By the end of the ride she was really tired and just stopped crying.

At the ER they did chest and neck X-rays. They showed some swelling in her neck, so they wanted to do a head CT scan. Olivia did not like sitting still for the CT scan, so they had to sedate her with Versed. The CT scan showed everything to be okay, so they sent us home.

While sitting in the ER my mom and I tried to figure out what had happened. The best we can figure is this:

We think that Olivia was playing in the toy box, possibly trying to climb in. This isn't unusual. Then we think that Evie pushed the top down on Olivia's head and her neck got caught in-between. Evie is known for climbing up on the toy box and standing on it. I think Olivia struggled to get free but couldn't (thus the burn-like marks on her neck). Then I think Olivia passed-out. Evie, who couldn't get it closed probably struggled to climb up on top, gave up, and opened it again (luckily). Then Olivia probably rolled out and off the edge ending up on the floor. Evie then sat on her and bounced on her, maybe causing her to breath again? Nonetheless, making Olivia moan - and making me hear her.

It sounds like quite a story right? Well it didn't sound to good to Social Services either. I guess anytime a child is injured with out any real explanation, Social Services is contacted. They are just doing their job, but now Child Protective Services has to come out to my house to make sure I'm telling the truth and that my house checks out okay. What a mess right?

I'm just glad God was watching over Olivia again! Things could have been so much worse! I'm so glad somehow Olivia got out and was revived. I glad she recovered with only a few marks. Praise God!

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Back to Normal

The girls play with their triplet dolls while wearing matching outfits!

Sophie being goofy!
Standing in a box eating Goldfish crackers-

Itsy-Bitsy Spider-

Wearing Pink Camo-