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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

The Worst Hour of the Day

So most of you moms out there know that from 4:00-5:00p can be one of the most stressful hours of the day as you await the husband's return home from work. I often pop in the beloved Elmo DVD in a meager attempt to preoccupy the girls until 5:00 supper and Brad's arrival. However, today did not go according to plan.

I was simply trying to hang my new picture frame and then use the Magic Eraser on the scuff marks, when I heard Evie crying. I knew she was playing in the toy box (nothing unusual). I went to go find her and she was standing in that tell tale position (like she has a diaper full of poop) crying. She had a totally wet leg and was standing in poop. Then I looked in the toy box... Yup! Poop!

I quickly whisked her off to the bathtub to spray her down. (Thank goodness I bought the sprayer when we built the house!) I dressed her, got her clothes in the washer, changed Olivia's poopy diaper, and proceeded to sort through the toys in the toy box. You know, "safe" or "too close to the poop zone."

I put the poopy toys in a sink ready to get washed, and was scrubbing out the bottom of the toy box when I heard the girls banging on the slider door and neighboring window. This is not abnormal. Sometimes they just feel like doing that. Then it happened. Crash!!!!!

A stained glass plate I made came crashing down from the window Evie was pounding on! The girls were surrounded in broken glass! I screamed trying to get them to stand still because of course they were all barefoot. (They always take off their socks.) I tried to pick them up, brush off their feet, and set them away from the glass. Olivia ran away through the glass before I could get to her. Finally I got their feet brushed off and started picking up the pieces. However, they didn't know what was going on and they were scared... so they kept coming back over to me, crying. I was frantically trying to pick up the big pieces of glass so I could get the dustbuster out! It was chaos!

By the time it turned 5:00, I got things cleaned up, got them in their highchairs, and was warming up food for supper when Brad walked in the door. "How were the girlies today?" he asked as usual. "Don't even ask," was my weary reply.

Happy Anniversary to me.


Moments Like This said...

OH MY!!! That's all I can say to such an eventful hour! OH MY!!!

Anna said...

I'm exhausted, and laughing, just reading about that hour! Never a dull moment, never!!

Michelle said...

you should send Evie over to Grandpa Fig, they are in the same boat--or toy box, whatever the case may be.

but did you manage to save them from slicing their bare footies on the glass?

Anonymous said...

Glad I missed that!!!

Old School said...

Oh I know it all sounds pretty glamorous, but it is business as usual at Blouw Appraisal Co

Nicole said...

Stacey, You must've been in tears!! I wanted to cry for you, just reading that! Tell me you had a glass of wine when Braaaad got home!

I had a day like that once...The kids (who I thought were playing nicely in the basement playroom) had escaped out the window and were playing outside in the snow. I brought them in the house, stuck them in the tub and two seconds later I hear "mommy! Austin pooped and I'm shaving my little hairs!"

I think your day was worse though

Triplet Mom said...

I was able to keep the footies from bleeding - I'm quick like a cat!

Everyone, tell me some of your worst hour experiences!

Unknown said...

OMG!!!! I thought have two to feed of from each other was bad enough.

I am waiting for the day of broken glass or broken bones...not sure what will come first. (my boys love to lay on the floor and kick the windows)

I can't think of any new worst moments...there's butt cream on the sofa, lotion all over the sofa, this morning one of the twin decided to pee on the kitchen floor - and he knows better.

Unknown said...

Only 64 more days until peace and quiet....I bet you can't wait. LOL

Stacy said...

I'm speechless. I totally feel for you. I hate that hour of the day. And our husbands wonder why we're so glad they come home!! Although I can't think of any extremely bad moments there are random spurts here and there like pooping in the tub when everyone is in it, potty training and having them poop on the kitchen floor because they refuse to do it on the toliet, etc. You get the jist. Hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Butt Cream on the sofa? HA! Sophie has eaten the stuff before. We were not paying attention when we noticed she had the "magic butt cream" open and her hands, mouth, and face were covered in it.

Old School said...

Attention all "The triplet Blog Readers"

go to

to vote

or send an e mail to


2007 BFC FOY Vote For Payton Blouw

in the subject line typed like it is above exactly

each e mail gets one vote

voting is open till January 18

Payton was the August footer of the month and was nominated by Stacey's bro Ross

Now that's a shameless plug for my son

Cheryl said...

I can think of things that happened, but I'm not sure it compares to this. Such as baby powder, black shoe polish, and old Brut cologne all over two little girls. Or playing in the mud with brand new clothes on. Don't know if this helps---Possibly we forget the worst days---protects what brain cells we have left.

Cheryl said...

Also, Stacey...
Remember all these stories you have. They're great for bribery and blackmail during the teen years:) Gotta love the stories!!

Anonymous said...

I have never posted a comment here, but I had something similar happen when my twins were crawling. The managed to knock our floor lamp over and it had a glass shade of course and there was glass everywhere! Thank goodness for highchairs and Cheerios is all I have to say!

I enjoy reading your blog. You probably don't remember me, but I met you once while you were still PG and in the hospital. I was visiting the "other" Stacey who was having triplets and you and Brad came to visit us and you had a box of popsciles (sp??) that you shared with us!

Anyway, it has been fun following your story and as a mother of twins I can appreciate some of the craziness that you encounter on a daily basis.

Anonymous said...

The stories are great! We all have some of our own to tell.

I remember a dog eating the Cheerios under the high chair as the little girl sat with her hands in the dog food.

I remember a little boy thinking that the dog looked about the right size to ride. (Vet bill followed this one!)

Just want you to know though, as the kids get older the stories actually get worse!

Just ask your cousins someday about having their sister jump off the garage roof. (She was younger, weighed less, so it should work, right? Oh and she didn't question the logic of it yet either.)

Gotta love being a parent. And you wanted it too; just remember that.

P.S. Vote for Payton everyone!

tami said...

It wasn't me who tried to jump off the roof, I believe it was Todd.

Anonymous said...

Ah the joys of motherhood. One of my boys whose name begins with B middle initial E got into his poopy diaper when he was supposed to be taking a nap. Ya, you can imagine the rest. And then they get older. One of my boys-you know who you are- got together with his friend and built pipe bombs. Big booms!!!! Can you say GROUNDED!!!!!! I can't wait to see what the grandkids get into!!! Hee Heee