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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Great Wolf Lodge

Grandpa and Grandma take the entire family to Great Wolf Lodge! Thank you, thank you! What a wonderful Christmas present!
The girls had no idea where they were going, they just knew they were going to get to swim!
On the way up Olivia asked if we were at "Great Floaf Flodge" yet - so cute!
When we pulled in, they squealed with delight!
They thought everything about our hotel room was magical!

Eating supper with the entire family - We are quite a big crowd... and lots of kids!

Brad plays with the girls in the pool

Grandpa H "Papa Fig" is all too excited! Brad looks less than thrilled... but he did have fun

Brad and Olivia

Grandma H and Sophie

Me and Sophie

Me, Sophie, my Dad, and Evie

The sisters

Sophie loved going down this slide! Papa would wait at the bottom for her and splash her on the way down. She loved it! She went over and over. Only Lilly broke her record for the most times down - but it was quite a competition!

This was the best... after coming down the slide, Sophie would giggle like crazy and pull down her suit to moon me before she pulled it back up! She would just laugh and laugh! Hilarious!

Olivia Kay

Evie goes down the slide

Olivia goes down the slide

Sometimes Evie got overwhelmed and just needed to sit out for awhile. She would just sit in the chair and sing to herself... such a honey.

Brad plays with his girls

Sophie swims to Brad in the hot tub

Grandma H. plays with the girls in the hot tub

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Christmas with the Devos!

After Christmas we went to my aunt and uncle's house for some fun! The girls got to go sledding in the hills that I enjoyed so much as a kid. They had a riot! I think Brad had a lot of fun with them too.

When they came inside, Aunt Diane made them all hot chocolate... or cold chocolate by the time they would dare drink it! Such girls!

Friday, January 01, 2010


We spent Christmas Eve celebrating with my family...

...and Christmas day with Brad's family!

Evie got a fat lip for Christmas... a present she didn't really want! She bit from the inside out... and made it all the way through! It is healing nicely now.