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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

You're Invited!

Sweatsuit Sunday
Baptism is coming up! December 10th at 6:00p the girls are going to be baptized at our church! Spread the word to family and friends. It will be a joyous occasion, but of course mommy will be crying (tears of joy). There will be cake afterward, so that Fig the sweet tooth will attend! Ha!

Also, the girls got their 3 month pictures taken last week. A photographer came to our house and took them in the basement! They should be so cute. We get to see them in a week.

Oh, and I don't have another doctors appt. until Dec. 14 and I wanted to know what the girls weighed... So I stood on the scale with them. It appears that Olivia weighs 11 lbs. 12 oz. Evie weighs 13 lbs. and Sophie weighs 10lbs. 9 oz. She is still the peanut! Maybe if she didn't loaf so much! Grandpa Fig should have given her more Halloween candy!

More pictures to come later - When I get out to my sister's house


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Our First Halloween

click to enlarge photo

Check us out in the Pea Pod costume Daddy bought for us on Ebay.
Olivia, Evie, & Sophie