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Thursday, May 29, 2008

The New Pool!

No, we didn't put in a pool! The incentive check doesn't stretch that far! This was an $8 special from the local dollar store. The girls loved it!
Oh and this is my new deck furniture. Nothing special, but finally a decent place to sit! Yay Target!

The pool was quite cold (hose water). Duh! I have a hot water faucet in the garage! Oh well, next time.

Olivia is loudly telling me something

Evie didn't mind the cold water at all. She had a blast with the sprinkling cans!

Sophie got used to the water quickly too. I love how her eyes are closed in this picture!

Then at night I met up with some great support friends for supper. What would I do with out fellow multiple moms who "just know!" I love you Jenn and Beth! We missed you Anna and Christy!


Jenn Vantol said...

I'm digging the bikini's! Where's the diaper - or do they just go commando at home and hope for the best? I'm doing the math for the swim diaper budget for the neighborhood pool? You'd think they'd offer a mega box!

Old School said...

I have set my lawn chair in a pool like that before,

Anonymous said...

Had I been there I am pretty sure I would have been in the pool with them.