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Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Ah summer is here and we are back at the cottage! The girls probably don't remember it from last year, but they loved it all over again! We had two amazing days there (Saturday & Monday)!

We learned...
They need to be separated for naps (2 bedrooms and a bathroom all taken up with pack-n-plays)
Olivia doesn't like to ride in a boat when tired (but will fall asleep if she cries long enough)
They love Great Aunt Diane because she gives them yummy sweet desserts!
They still love playing in the water
This is so much better than last year (for me!)
I have to pack a lot of stuff just to spend the day (We start packing the night before)
It seems like I unpack even more when we get home & I am exhausted!
It's all worth it!

To pause the slide show and read the captions, just move your cursor over the picture. It will stop for you! Enjoy!


Nicole said...

I remember the first "enjoyable" summer too...But still, I couldnt imagine all that you really have to pack for the trips...3 pack-n-plays??!!??

Anonymous said...

Nah, Stacy just lets great Aunt Diane fill them with sugar, and when they come crashing down from that, she just puts them down in a vacant room somewhere, and prays no one walks in and wakes them again.
Right Stac?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

buy more swimsuits for the triplets from me, ok?
