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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Quite a Morning!

So Sophie and Olivia were not doing well yesterday. It was my guess that Sophie had an ear infection, and they both had the croup cough. They were barking terrible at night and crying. So this morning I took their temps and Sophie had a fever. Evie ate a little food, but Olivia and Sophie only drank some milk this morning. Then I tried to give Sophie some Tylenol, and she barfed all over. So as I am cleaning this up and throwing the paper towel in the trash, Evie gets in the trash and pulls them out on the floor with a coffee filter full of coffee grounds. Sophie's crying and playing with the barf, and Olivia & Evie are walking through coffee grounds! I call Sarah and my Mom. Off to the Urgent Care I go with Sophie & Olivia. Sarah takes Evie to her house.

Yes, Sophie has an ear infection. Olivia doesn't, but has a low temp & the croup.

Where is Daddy? He's at work.

Happy Saturday! Now I am going to eat lunch - 2:15 not bad!

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