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Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's about time that I record some of my favorite quotes I have heard from my daughters lately.

"I love the smell of Daddy after he takes a shower... minty, Minty, MINTY!"
"Mom you should make these rolls for supper every night! They are my favorite... and marshmallows, and ice cream"
"We're not supposed to hit, but Daddy hits me" Me: He spanks you on the buns when you are naughty, that is different. Olivia: "It's still hitting" - hard to argue with that one!

"Am I still Leaderboard?"
"I'm thankful for God and Jesus"
"Give me an armpit party" (Talking about tickling her under there)
"I can't play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the black keys"

"Daddy, what are you thank you for?" Brad: "Mommy, but she's not my mommy" Me: "I'll put down Stacey" Sophie: "Or you could write down Chick!"
To her sisters - "I miss Mom, how bout you?" Sisters: Yeah. Sophie: "Good"
"Grandma forgot to put a pull-up on Olivia and she peed in my underwear"


grandma H said...

From the mouths of babes.... We can all learn from them. Precious!

G-nize said...

Oh man! Logic from a 4 -year old is always hard to swallow!
