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Monday, November 30, 2009

Barf Happens...

Yes we got the stomach flu over here... Perfect timing - between Thanksgiving and Christmas!
Okay... so the girls are all very different with the barfing. Evie got it on Friday night. She barfed in her bed and went back to sleep. The second time, she called for me... I cleaned her up, and put her in a sleeping bag on towels next to my bed. She would wake up and say "Uh-oh Mommy" and I knew she was going to barf - so the barf tub worked.

I got sick Saturday night at 5:00p. Luckily Brad come home from duck hunting at 6:00p! I was in bed until 1:00p the next day.

Sophie got it Sunday at 1:00p. She quickly figured out when she was going to barf and would say "Mommy" and point at the barf tub. Sophie, the poor girl, is sickly like me. She didn't stop barfing until I put her to bed at 8:00p or so. She looked like death!

We could tell at 5p Sunday that Olivia wasn't acting right... but when we asked her, she said "I'm okay." She insisted on supper, but we didn't think she would eat it. She was sitting in her seat backwards when she hurled all over the chair, slider door, and floor. Brad grabbed a tub, but she kept pushing it away saying she was done, as barf was still coming out of her mouth! Oh yes, she was stubborn like that all night! She wouldn't let us put a barf tub by her, or a towel on her lap. She kept insisting she was all done barfing, and wasn't going to anymore. Oh yes she did! I had to be quick and watch her signs closely to catch her... as she would NOT let me keep the tub by her. She barfed one more time after I put her to bed by me... but that was it.

No more barfing today. I have been doing laundry, cleaning bathrooms, and Lysol-ing EVERYTHING!!!


braaaaaaaaad said...

I'm so healthy it's CRAZY!

Nize said...

Poor Olivia, did NOT want to be sick. When Braaaaaaad was young he would lean over the throne and say" Oh please God don't let me throw up!" :-(
Hope they are feeling better!

Nize said...

By the way braaaad, you better knock on wood!!!

MiniMe Mom said...

We got it Sunday as well.

UGH. I hate it.

Glad you are feeling better now!

fig said...

Oh Stacey, it reminds me of a time when you and I spent some quality time at home "together" when everyone else was at a Christmas party. All I wanted to do is watch the basketball game on TV, but you kept me busy cleaning up your spuw. Dewey and I have had our times "together" also while he "burped".

braaaaaaaaad said...

Still don't have it!