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Thursday, September 04, 2008

"Are the girlies behaving today?"

This is the question that Brad calls and asks me most days. Today he called a little too early. My reply was, "So far!"
After I hung up with him I had to use the bathroom. I can't go in peace. All the girls need to sit on their potties too. So off come the pants, diapers, (and with Olivia the shirt too). They sit on the potties for a short time. While I am incapacitated, Evie escapes bare butt to the living room. By the time I can get to her she is running back saying "pee." Yup, she peed on the floor and had it running down her leg. Frustrated I clean her up and quickly dress everyone again. Out comes the carpet cleaner... again.

Not much later I am on the phone and Evie stinks. I hang up to change her diaper and notice Olivia & Sophie in the bathroom. I tell them to get out and they tell me their sunglasses are all wet. Yes, they were playing in the toilet. I shoo them out and proceed to change Evie's diaper. When I finish I go to find the two trouble-makers, and they are in the stinkin' bathroom again. They are soaked, the floor is soaked, and there is a soggy roll of toilet paper on the floor! I swiftly remove them with punishment and go to clean it all up. There is quite an amount of toilet paper in the toilet so I flush it. The toilet doesn't flush... Then I realize that no one has the sunglasses they were playing with earlier. Yes, there is a pair of sunglasses stuck in our toilet! And there it will remain, because I am NOT going to stick my hand in there!!!!


Unknown said...

I'm so sorry Stacey, but that's too funny!!!! Thanks for starting my day with a laugh. Hope today is better.

Katie said...

That is too funny - I can't even begin to imagine all the running around you must do!

Wally World said...

I was laughing out loud. You must be wonderwoman running after those three girls!

Michelle said...

next time just tell Brad,
"no. I do not anticipate the girls behaving today."

I can just picture in my mind the soggy toilet paper roll.

Auntie "Char" is pleased.

Anonymous said...

Would these be a certain pair of rose colored glasses, striped or with poka dots !/? You mean they're not worth sticking your hand in the toliet to fish them out?

Oh well, coulda been a hand knitted sweater:)

Anonymous said...

Ahhh Yesss.... I feel your pain. I can't say I know exactly how you're feeling b/c 2 is indeed different than 3. But oh man...the antics are truly never ending. Yesterday we had...tire spray on the hands, lotion on the window, audrey is still occasionally peeing on the carpet, and we had to throw a tooth brush away (again) b/c it is not a toilet bowl cleaner - at least we caught that one. I do feel your pain Stacey. Jen G.

Mom of 5 said...

Oh..sorry to read this but..It makes me feel SO much better. I can pretty much say "DITTO" to the whole story...Just add Zach likes to swing from the towel bar and hang out in the potty but wants nothing to do with it but cause more confusion. How many times can you say the same thing OVER AND OVER again..Don't touch , stop that, wait your turn!!!

Stacy said...

Love it! I have experienced the same scenario. Usually it happens when I've spent way too much time blogging or on Facebook. At least it's just water, right? :)