I have a few things to say.
I am a triplet, so that means I have two sisters always by my side. Sometimes I have fun playing with Olivia. We chase each other all over the house. I like to climb on top of her and giggle. My sister Sophie doesn't like me to touch her, but sometimes I can get her to laugh.
I have one tooth now, and another one that is ready to come through. It hurts me a lot!
I also hold my own bottle now. I thought I would give my mom a break once in awhile.
My favorite foods are fruits, Cheerios, and Teething Biscuits. Squash isn't bad either.
Here are some more pictures of me. Enjoy!
Wow, it looks like she had a hair growth spurt! I love the black and white! What a beauty!
Great job Evie! Did mommy teach you how to type so good??
Einstein? Bach? Can you say Prodigy?
Dear Evie - I am definitely going to have to come and have lunch with you and your sisters sometime soon - you are all growing soooo fast - say hi to your mom and dad for me and let me know when we can meet at your house for lunch - I can bring lunch for your mom and I.
Love, Aunt Marilyn
She is so darn cute---looks like you and brad are going to have to buy a few more computers soon.
April Ruehs
Yup, Cute
Evie may have to start her own blog. She is starting to look like her grandma's baby pictures. Too cute.
Hey, what about us???
Evie is getting so big Stacey! I can't wait to see those little rascals!
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