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Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's about time that I record some of my favorite quotes I have heard from my daughters lately.

"I love the smell of Daddy after he takes a shower... minty, Minty, MINTY!"
"Mom you should make these rolls for supper every night! They are my favorite... and marshmallows, and ice cream"
"We're not supposed to hit, but Daddy hits me" Me: He spanks you on the buns when you are naughty, that is different. Olivia: "It's still hitting" - hard to argue with that one!

"Am I still Leaderboard?"
"I'm thankful for God and Jesus"
"Give me an armpit party" (Talking about tickling her under there)
"I can't play Mary Had a Little Lamb on the black keys"

"Daddy, what are you thank you for?" Brad: "Mommy, but she's not my mommy" Me: "I'll put down Stacey" Sophie: "Or you could write down Chick!"
To her sisters - "I miss Mom, how bout you?" Sisters: Yeah. Sophie: "Good"
"Grandma forgot to put a pull-up on Olivia and she peed in my underwear"

Tuesday, November 02, 2010


Princess Sophie, Princess Olivia, & Queen Evie!

Trick or Treating at Grandma Nizer's!

At the church's Halloween Hullabaloo with Grandma H.

"Look Mommy!!!!"

Got Sprinkles?

Our friend Gracie

Getting special Halloween bags from Mr. Jim across the street :)

So much fun going door to door in our neighborhood for the first time!

That blur is Olivia on a sugar buzz... running for more candy!

Monday, November 01, 2010

Swimming Lessons!

Nervous... That's how I would describe Olivia and Sophie before swimming lessons. Olivia kept telling me to bring her lifejacket, and to tell the teacher to not let go of her! But they listened as I told them how I loved them and I would not let them get hurt. I explained that the teacher was nice and just wanted to teach them to swim better.

Three happy faces at the end of the lesson. They were VERY relieved that there was no swimming without something floaty to hang on to :) That is yet to come... shhhhhh!