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Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

The girls went to Doug and Melinda's, where they got these cute bunny ears! Thank you!



I prepared the baskets the night before (But I bought the stuff at the end of Easter last year - now that's preparation!)

I talked with the girls about how it was Easter, and we have fun like on Christmas Day. I tried to explain that Jesus was born on Christmas, and then on Easter He was alive again! They didn't get it of course, but it's just the beginning of many years of teaching : )

The girls finding candy, Play-doh, puzzles, and chalk in their baskets.


Anonymous said...

Just so the candy wasn't purchased last year. (That would be too much like Fig and that candy corn from Professional Pharmacy.)

grandma H said...

Yeah! for Sophie. She must be so happy bout her new bed. I missed the Easter "fun" this year with the kids but we must take turns I know.We still had a very special Easter Sunday. I did miss the candy though.