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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Do I Have an Excuse?

This weekend I made a HUGE mistake.
It all started with Olivia (although it wasn't her fault!) She was coughing so hard that she barfed on herself. So, her shirt needed to be soaked in our washtub. I had my last load of laundry in the dryer and Brad was outside cutting down trees for the new swing-set. I needed to get the girls distracted soon for their sickly crabbiness was at full swing!

I proceeded to fill the washtub with soapy water while my girls were all crying at my feet and getting into the cupboards (their favorite things). In a very annoyed state, I shooed them out of the laundry room and lead them downstairs. I played in the basement with them for over an hour when Brad yelled in the house, "What's going on in the laundry room? It's flooded down here in my work room!"

Yup! I never turned off the faucet!

I ran upstairs to find the entire laundry, 1/2 bath, and some of our back hallway flooded!

Not Good!

I have no good excuse. My only excuse, that I so humbly explained to Brad, was that I was so distracted by my sick, crying children at my feet that I didn't know what I was doing... I just wanted them out of there. (Obviously I didn't hear the faucet running over their screaming and the dryer running.)

Does the triplet excuse work?

Thank goodness for this thing!

1 comment:

Mom of 5 said...

The triplet excuse sounds reasonable to me! I figure we have a good 10 years or so to pull that card! This was sooo NOT your fault!!