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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My Visitor Counter

Has everyone noticed my Visitor Counter on the right side of my blog page? It lists the cities of my fellow blog viewers. I find it very interesting that so many cities, where I know NO ONE, are showing up. Who lives in Bokchito, OK? I don't even know where that is! If you are from there (apparently there are 14 viewers) leave a comment and tell me who you are. Interesting, but not the most interesting. The one that boggles my mind the most would be the city if Patzun. Yes, it is the only city that doesn't have the American Flag by it. I don't even know what country it is in! Does anybody out there know? Weird! If you did not like this post, too bad. When I am tired, I have random thoughts. If you want better material, look at my previous post. It was much better.


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm. Patzun, as everyone knows is in Guatemala. Established in 1833 or 34 when Spanish explorers discovered that it was a nice spot hang out at and contemplate all the tactics that Fig lacks at. Population 11,279. Chief industry is textiles. You should think about becoming a teacher so that you can know more things like that. Har dee har har.

Triplet Mom said...

Well, yes... If I had Googled it I would have found out that info. It was time to go to bed though.

Anna said...

Ok, I added one too, I hope I get some cool visitors!

confused said...

I was going to look up Patzun for you but someone else did so I will take their word for where it is.
I salute you for being able to get movie clips of the babies, much less blog. You get three gold stars!!!