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Sunday, April 29, 2007

Funny Story

Evie had leaked through her diaper, so I took off her bloomers and hung them in the window to dry. She was wearing her dress & diaper while playing on the floor. We have a coffee table that has cubbies in it for baskets. The girls often pull out the baskets and play. Brad was watching the Tigers and he heard klunking in the coffee table. He bent down to look through the table and saw a wonderful crotch shot of Evie - spread eagle - no diaper! He called for me. I saw Evie and I shouted "Where's her diaper?" He said, "I don't know!" We found it... stuck to the ground by one of the velcro tapes. She apparently "Houdini-ed" her way right out of it!

Here's the culprit!

Aren't they all cute in their summer dresses? Too bad we don't go anywhere!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

What a Weekend!

What a great family picture! Could we be any more 80's?

On Saturday the girls bathed in the sun at the cottage. They wore cutie bikinis and hats. They didn't like being lathered in suntan lotion or wearing their hats, but they got used to it!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Sippy Cups All Around


The girls have started drinking from sippy cups... kind of! They do pretty good, and then I have to help.

This is a picture of this morning's breakfast time.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Mmm Hot Sauce!

Sophie is starting to act like her dad more and more! She gets up at the crack of dawn, she doesn't sleep much during the day, and now... HOT SAUCE!

This is a movie of Sophie with her favorite book from Great Grandma Betty. She thinks the face is so hilarious! You will also notice Evie's legs getting in there too!

And a picture of Olivia for fun!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

It Happened Again

Well, it happened again this morning. Evie will get to the point where the only thing she wants is to go in her jumper. Usually this is when she is getting tired. So, eventually she gets sleepy and falls asleep in her jumper. The funny part is when I go to get her out, she wakes up and immediately starts jumping again. Check out these videos Brad took. They capture it perfectly!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Rub a Dub 3 Girls in a Tub

It's their first bath... together! They have so much fun playing together. We have to keep a good eye on them though, because those bath seats don't suction to the bottom of the tub.

Olivia likes to lean back in her seat. She looks like a chubby man in a hot tub.

Evie leans forward trying to get all the toys and cups. She also learned how to spash. Sophie is not impressed!

Sophie likes to stretch out her legs and chew on rubber duckies.

Monday, April 02, 2007

Sophie Is Quite Hilarious!

Sophie has become quite something! She makes herself laugh, and tries to get attention or laughs from others. She likes to dance and bounce to music, and lately she is sitting up by herself. She sits with her legs straight out, which looks especially funny because her legs are so long!

Occasionally she falls over!

She also likes interacting with her sisters.

We love Sophie!