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Monday, December 04, 2006

So Happy Together.

Triplet Mom and the girls

Well, the triplets are nearing 4 months old. SO many changes, and so many moments of blessing. As of late, the girls can be officially considered as "sleeping throught the night" even up to 11 hours. Of course Mommy and Daddy do have to take turns giving the girls their pacifiers on occasion. Let's just say there is a lot of elbowing going on in the wee hours of the night---"It's your turn Brad!" "No, it's your turn Stacey!"

During the day the girls eat about every 3 1/2 hours and spend the rest of the time napping intermittently and generally keeping Stacey on her toes. They have all weathered their first colds, except Olivia did develop and ear infection. :(
We look anxiously forward to their big day on Sunday evening Dec. 10 on which they will be baptized and welcomed into the community of believers at Caledonia CRC.

Sophie's big smile
Sophie and Olivia (cracking up)
Miss Evie Lyn
Sophie and Evie